Siluro GeForce256 GTS
使用nVIDIA's最新 GigaTexel Shading (GTS) GPU 处理器
HyperTexel architecture 提供1.6 GigaTexels 和800 MegaPixels/second.
Fast and optimized 64MB DDR memory
4 dual-texturing pipelines, mapping 8 texels/clock cycle
200MHz core clock, 333 MHz DDR RAM clock
支持4X AGP 快写功能/可兼容AGP 2X /1X
The QUAD-Engine Architecture:
100%硬件三角设定: 25 million triangles/second
支援 Direct 3D 和OpenGL 加速器
支援 OpenGL 、 DirectX 7和 beta DirectX 8
新的3D 特色: 每一个像素阴影和采光都拥有丰富生动的材质和效果
高效能的256-bit 2D加速器:
分辨率高达 2048x1536,并且拥有16 百万色素和350MHz RAMDAC
高品质的 TV/Video输出和 DVD 拨放功能:
NTSC 和PAL TV 输出在640x480 和800x600
高质量的视讯处理器 (HDVP) 针对全屏幕,全页的视讯HDTV和DVD拨放功能
Siluro GF256 GTS-
nVIDIA GeForce2 GTS with 64MB DDR memory& TV/ Video out
The Greatest Engine Available for Multimedia Application:
Incorporates nVIDIA’s latest GigaTexel Shading (GTS) GPU processor
HyperTexel architecture delivers 1.6 GigaTexels and 800 MegaPixels/second.
Fast and optimized 64MB DDR memory
4 dual-texturing pipelines, mapping 8 texels/clock cycle
200MHz core clock, 333 MHz DDR RAM clock
4X AGP with Fast Writes/AGP 2X /1X compatible
The QUAD-Engine Architecture:
100% hardware triangle setup: 25 million triangles/second
Optimized Direct 3D and OpenGL acceleration
The most advanced supports for OpenGL and DirectX 7 and beta DirectX 8
New 3D features: per-pixel shading and lighting for rich, lifelike
materials and cinematic effects
High performance 256-bit 2D acceleration
Resolutions of up to 2048x1536 in 16 million colors with a 350MHz RAMDAC
High Quality TV/Video Output and DVD Playback:
NTSC and PAL TV output in 640x480 and 800x600
High Definition Video Processor (HDVP) for full-screen, full-frame video
playback of all HDTV and DVD and resolutions