  • Model: AP61
  • CPU: Pentium Pro Processor 150/166/180/200 MHz, ZIF Socket 8

Key Features
  • Pentium?Pro Processor
  • Intel 450KX PCIset ASIC (BGA)
  • PCI/ISA Architecture
  • 2 Channel Enhanced IDE (PIO Mode 4 and Bus Master), 1 FDC
  • 2S1P (EPP/ECP, UART 16C550)
  • ECC (Error Checking & Correction) and Parity Function
  • CPU: Pentium Pro Processor 150/166/180/200 MHz, ZIF Socket 8
  • ASIC: Intel 450KX PCIset (BGA)
  • Secondary Cache: Built-in Processor (256/512 KB)
  • Architecture: ISA+PCI
  • Max. Main Memory: 256 MB (72 pin SIMM x 4), ECC/Parity support
  • SIMM Type: 1/2/4/8/16/32/64 MB
  • BIOS: Award Plug and Play Flash ROM BIOS
  • On Board I/O:
    2 serial ports (UART 16C550 support)
    1 parallel port (EPP/ECP support)
    2 channel E-IDE (PIO Mode 4 and Bus Master support)(CMD 646)
    1 Floppy Drive Connector (1.2/1.44/2.88MB)
  • RTC: Dallas 12887A
  • Battery: Dallas 12887A
  • Expansion Slots: 16 bits ISA x 3, 32 bits PCI x 4
  • Green Function: Yes
  • Board Size: 220 mm x 330 mm, Baby AT


