GeForce2 MX 3D Game with 128-bit 64MB memory.
Introducing the game accelerator for the masses - CMX2A 64MB 128-bit
memory bus. Powered by the GeForce2 MX, this incredible accelerator with
2nd-generation Transform and Lighting (T&L) engines provides
processing power of up to 20 million triangles per second and fill rates
of up to 700 Megatexels per second to the mainstream. Also featuring the
NVIDIA Shading Rasterizer (NSR), CMX2A MX includes advanced per-pixel
shading capabilities let you to experience realistic visual effects. It
supports TV-out and its auto-detection design for NTSC/PAL TV system makes
3D Gaming on Big TV screen a easy task with this single board. It is best
recommended as ideal solution for high resolution 3D Gaming.
Best of all, the CMX2A MX includes everything you can expect from a 3D
accelerator: 256-bit graphics architecture, AGP 4X with Fast Writes
support, true color 32-bit 3D rendering, 32-bit Z/stencil buffer, DXTC
texture compression for Direct3D® and OpenGL® and superior video
capabilities including MPEG1 and MPEG2 playback.
Specification of CMX2A
-Graphics Engine NVIDIA® GeForce2 MX™
-256-bit GPU Graphics Architecture
-Onboard Memory 64MB of SDR Memory
-Integrated high speed 350MHz RAMDAC
-AGP 4X with Fast Write
-350 million Peak Fill Rate (Pixels/Sec).
-20 million Triangles Per Second (Peak Rate).
-3D Rendering Pipelines.
-Texture-Mapped, Lit Pixels Per Clock Cycle.
-Single Pass Multi-Texturing Support.
-Transform & Lighting Engine Second Generation.
-Render with Geometry.
-Complete DirectX 7 Support.
-100% Hardware Triangle Setup.
-Cubic Environment Mapping in Hardware.
-Texture Blend Support.
* Advanced Texture Filtering
* Per-pixel lighting and shading
* Projective Textures
* Procedural Textures
* Texture Modulation
* Light and reflection maps
* DXTC Texture compression
* Bump Mapping
-Backend Blend.
-Per Pixel Perspective Correct Texture Mapping.
-Full Scene, Order Independent Anti-Aliasing
-Stencil Buffer.
-Hardware Acceleration (Windows GDI).
-Fast 32-Bit VGA/SVGA Support.
-Video Acceleration (DirectShow, MPEG-1, MPEG-2,
-X & Y Smooth Up and Down Scaling with Filtering.
-Per-Pixel Color Keying.
-Hardware Color Space Conversion/Filtering YUV 4:2:2
and 4:2:0.
-Support for TV-out feature option.
Model Available :
CMX2A-TV - MX w/64MB SDR & TV-out
All models bundled with S/W DVD.
Shipment as from May with this model will comes with the latest Nvidia MX
400 chipset. |