
Astonishing 3D Graphics and Outrageous Multimedia Acceleration based on
Intel740 chipset. An Uncompromising Choice when Performance is the key
criteria !
Intel740 impresses the industry when an unparalleled 2XAGP support and
3D graphics quality. Its break-through technology and powerful 3D engine
have unleashed the true AGP potential. The unique HyperPipelined 3D
architecture allows fast-paced, sustained flow of graphics data, which
makes DIT5740 an uncompromising choice for performance-conscious,
mission-critical users.
Graphics Processor :
Bus Interface :
Memory Configuration :
4MB / 8MB SGRAM memory
8MB SDRAM memory
2D/3D Graphics Features :
Hardware acceleration functions:
→ Programmable 64*64, 3 Color Transparent Cursor
→ 3 Operand Raster BitBLTs
→ StretchBLT
→ Color Expansion
Hardware Overlay Engine
Hardware Double Buffering
Flat & Gouraud Shading
MIP-Mapping with Bilinear Filtering (11 LODs)
Color Alpha Blending for Transparency
Real Time Texture Paging and Video Texturing
Fogging & Atmospheric Effects
Specular Lighting
Edge Anti-Aliasing
Stippling or “Screen Door” Transparency
Backface Culling
Z Buffering
Software Drivers:
MS Windows 98, Windows 95 and
Windows AGP VxD
MS Windows NT 4.0 / NT 5.0
Other Features :
Hyper Pipelined Architecture
→ 2X AGP Support
→ Parallel Data Processing (PDP)
→ Precise Pixel Interpolation (PPI)
→ Direct Memory Execution (DME)
→ Sustained 3D Performance
→ Full Sideband Accelerated Graphics
Port (AGP) Initiator Support
Display/BIOS/I2 C
→ Integrated 24-bit 220MHz RAMDAC
→ Pixel Palette Pipeline Frequency: 203MHz
→ Display Resolution: 320x200 Up to 1600x1200 Pixels
→ Gamma Corrected Video
→ Multi-Monitor Capability
→ Read/Write Access to 256KB Flash
→ ACPI Compliant
→ Display Data Channel: DDC 2B Compliant
Video Playback Features :
Software DVD MPEGII Ready
Hardware DVD MPEGII Capable
Supports 16 Bit or 8 Bit Video Capturing
Full Bi-directional VMI CCIR601
Video Port
Programmable Video Output Characteristics For VGA and SVGA
Full Motion Video
Video Conferencing Support
Intercast & VBI Support
NTSC and PAL TV-Out Support (optional)