ELSA 影雷者 525
Ultra |

承继艾尔莎一贯的高效能作风,ELSA 特别为喜爱超频的玩家推出艾尔莎影雷者525 Ultra,采用NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti4200
绘图显示芯片的这块卡,有别于市售的GeForce4 Ti4200。影雷者525 Ultra
采用 NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 GPU
第二代可程序化nfiniteFXTM II 引擎, 双顶点着色及增强式象素着色引擎
第二代光速内存处理架构 - 最佳化内存读写技术
Accuview - 高分辨率反锯齿功能
3.3ns MBGA高速内存 - 128 MB DDR
视讯输入及输出,具视讯撷取、编辑及会议功能,并可连接 TV 或投影机
DVI-I 端口可连接数位屏幕,支持 nView 双屏幕功能
processor : |
NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 |
Memory : |
128 MB DDR |
350 MHz |
BIOS : |
Support of VESA BIOS 3.0 |
Bus system : |
AGP 1x/2x/4x , including fast writes and execute mode |
2D/3D Features : |
2D 硬件特色:256 bit 2D acceleration, optimized for 32, 24, 16, 15, and 8-bit
color depth, hardware cursor in TrueColor, multi buffering (double, triple
and quadruple for fluid movements and video playback)
3D 硬件特色:256-bit engine with 128-bit memory interface, optimized acceleration
for Direct3D and OpenGL API, 32-bit Z and stencil buffer, single-pass multi
texturing, Accuview high-resolution anti-aliasing, high-quality texture
filtering, including anisotropic; advanced per-pixel texturing for
perspective correction, fog and depth cueing, texture compression, nfiniteFX™II
engine with dual vertex shaders and advanced shaders. Lightspeed Memory
Architecture™(LMA) II for optimized memory efficiency
HDTV 及 DVD 播放:Integrated full hardware MPEG-2 decoder, enhanced motion
compensation for full-screen video playback at all DVD and HDTV resolutions,
video acceleration for MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and Indeo. |
Graphics Standards : |
DirectX 8, DirectX 7, OpenGL API |
Standards : |
DPMS, DDC2B, Plug&Play |
Connections : |
1x VGA-D-Sub, , 1x DVI-I, x Video In/Out (S-video) |
Dimensions : |
108 x 216mm |
systems : |
Windows XP, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 98, Windows 2000,
Windows NT 4.0 |
Software :
Package Contents : |
英文、繁中、简中、韩文版本 驱动程序 CD 驱动程序、工具程序及 MadOnion's 3DMark 2001 Pro完整版 安装说明 英文,
繁中, 简中, 韩文版本 |
Service : |
客户服务 3年产品保固 |