Product Specs 18XP 18ES 18ZX 18LZX 36LP 36LZX 36XP 36ZX 73LZX
DGHS-318200 DNES-318350/DNES309170/DNEF318350/DNEF309170 DRVS-18V/DRVS-18D/DRVL-18L DMVS-18/DMVS-9/DMVC-18/DMVC-9 DPSS-336950/318350/309170 DDYS-DDYF DRHS-36V/DRHS-36D/DRHL-36L DMVS-36 IC35L009UWD210,
容量Capacity(GB) 18.35GB 18.2/ 9.1/18.2/9.1 GB 18.3 GB 18.3/9 GB 36.9/18.3/9.1 GB 36.7/ 18.3/ 9.1 36.4 GB1 36.7 GB¹ 73.4/36.7/18.3/9.1 GB
接口Interface SE/(SE/LVD) Ultra SCSI
Fast, Fast & Wide/FCAL/(Ultra2 SCSI
Fast & Wide, SCA-2)/FCAL
(SE/LVD)/SCA-2/FC-AL DMVS Ultra2 SCSI/DMVS Ultra160 SCSI/DMVC/(Fast/Wide, SCA-2/Fast/Wide, SCA-3/SSA)  Ultra 160 SCSI  Ultra 160 SCSI/FC-AL (SE/LVD)/(SCA-2)/(FC-AL) DMVS Ultra2 SCSI/DMVS Ultra160 SCSI/DMVC/((Fast/Wide, SCA-2)/(Fast/Wide, SCA-3)/SSA) Ultra160 SCSI/Ultra320 SCSI/FC-AL-2
Sector size (bytes) 512 512 512-732 512-668 512-528 (variable, 2-byte inc.) 512-528 (variable, 2-byte inc.)/512 and 520 Bytes 512 to 732 Bytes 512 to 688 Bytes 512 to 528 (variable, 2-byte increments)/?/512-528 (8-byte increments)
Recording zone 11 11     11 11   17
User cylinders (physical)                
记录面数Data heads (physical) 10 10/5/10/5 20 10 10/5/3 12/6/3 20 10/5/3 12/6/3/2
磁盘数Data disks 5 5/3/5/3 10 5 5/3/2 6/3/2 10 20/10/5 6/3/2/1
最大记录面密度Max. areal density (MB/平方英寸Mbits/sq. inch) 3.03 Gbits/sq. in. 3.03 Gbits/sq. in. 3534 Mbits/sq. in. 3534 Mbits/sq. in. 6440  Mbits/sq. in. 7040  Mbits/sq. in. 2758 Mbits/sq. in. 3534 Mbits/sq. in. 13,200 Mbits/sq. in.
最大记录密度Max. recording density (BPI) 150 KBPI 220,000 BPI 146 - 219.1K BPI 260,000 BPI 350,000 BPI 352,000 BPI 238.8 KBPI 260 KBPI 482,000 BPI
轨迹密度Track density (TPI) 8356 TPI 13,700 TPI 13,595 TPI 13,595 TPI 18,400 TPI 20,000 TPI 11,550 TPI10 13,595 TPI 27,312 TPI
缓存Data buffer ²(KB) 1MB 2MB 2MB 2MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 2 (8 optional) MB5

2 (8 optional) MB5

2 MB5


4096 KB1²
转速Rotational speed (RPM) 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 10020 RPM 10000 RPM  7200  RPM  10,000  RPM 7200 RPM 10,000 RPM 10,000 RPM
Latency (average ms)   4.17 ms   3 ms 4.17 ms 2.99 ms   3.00 ms
内部最大传输速度Media transfer rate
(max Mbits/sec)
              376-697 Mbits/sec
外部最大传输速度Interface transfer rate (max MB/sec) 40 M/160 M/160 M  40 M/80 M/200 M 40 M/80 M/160 M 80 M/160 M/160 M 160 M 160 MB/sec/(200 /400MB/sec) 80 MB/sec2/160 MB/sec3/200 MB/sec4 80 MB/sec²

160 MB/sec

160 MB/sec³
160 MB/sec/(320 MB/sec packetized)/(200/400 MB/sec)
持续传输速度Sustained data rate (MB/sec)   12.7 to 20.2 MB/sec 15.2 to 29.5 MB/sec 15.2 to 29.5 MB/sec 19.5 to 31.9 MB/sec 21.7- 36.1MB/sec   15.2 to 29.5 MB/sec 29.8-58.0 MB/sec
Media data rate (banded)   159 to 244 Mbits/sec


23.3 to 44.3 MB/sec


23.3 to 44.3 MB/sec


248 to 400 Mbits/sec


280-452 Mbits/sec


143.2 to 231.2 Mbits/sec


23.3 to 44.3 MB/sec  
平均寻道时间   Average (ms)   7 ms 6.59 ms 5.4/4.9/4.9 ms 6.8 ms 4.9 ms 7.5 ms 5.4/4.9/4.9 ms 4.9 ms
磁道到磁道   Track-to-track (ms)   0.8 ms   0.3 ms 0.6 ms 0.5 ms 0.3 ms 0.3 ms 0.5 ms
   Full-track (ms)   13 ms   15 ms 15 ms 10.5 ms   10.5 ms
错误比率(可回收/不可)Error rate (recoverable/nonrecoverable) <10 in 10E13 bits read/<10 in 10E5 bits read ?/<10 in 10E13 bits read < 10 in 10E13 bits read/<10 in 10E15 bits read < 10 in 10E13 bits read/<10 in 10E15 bits read ?/< 10 in 10E13 bits read ?/< 10 in 10E14 bits read < 10 in 10E13 bits read/< 10 in 10E15 bits read <10 in 10E15 bits read/<10 in 10E13 bits read ?/1 in 10E14 bits read
Contact start stop
(at 40° C)
50,000 cycles 50,000 cycles   50,000 cycles 50,000 cycles 50,000 cycles   50,000 cycles
需求Requirement +5 VDC (+-5%),
+12 VDC (+-5%)
+5 VDC (+-5%),
+12 VDC (+-5%)
+5 VDC (+-5%),
+12 VDC (+-5%)
+5 VDC (+-5%),
+12 VDC (+-5%)
+5 VDC (+-5%),
+12 VDC (+-5%)
+5 VDC (+-5%),
+12 VDC (+-5%)
  +5 VDC (+-5%), +12 VDC (+-5%)
备用Standby 12.7/9.0/8.5 watts6 12.7/9.0/8.5 watts6   12.7/9.0/8.5 watts       12.7/9.0/8.5 watts6 0.9 A (5V), 2.4 A (12 V)/

1.3 A (5V), 2.4 A (12 V)

空闲   Idle (W) 6.9/5.3 Watts/(6.9/5.3 Watts/(9.9/8.3 Watts)) 6.9/5.3 Watts/(6.9/5.3 Watts/(9.9/8.3 Watts))   17.4/11.5/10.0 watts 8.9/7.9/7.2 W 12.9, 9.7, 8.5 W/15.1,12.2, 11.4 W 13.1 Watts5 17.4/11.5/10.0 watts7 9.5/7.4/6.7/6.7 W/?/

11.5/9.4/8.7/8.7 W

运行最大功率   Startup current
   (max peak)
  0.75 (5V), 2.00 (12V)/0.75 (5V), 2.00 (12V)/1.35 (5V), 2.00 (12V)   2.90/1.76/1.76 amps 0.94 A (5V) / 2.20 A (12V) 0.94 A (5V),
2.5 A (12 V/2.5(12v)
15.4 Watts6 19.3/13.0/11.5 watts7 0.9 A (5V), 2.4 A (12 V)/

1.3 A (5V), 2.4 A (12 V)

能力消费功率Power consumption efficiency (watts/MB)  .0009 / .0007 Watts / MB6 0.0004/0.0006/(0.0004/0.0006 Watts/M)/(0.0006/0.0009 Watts/MB)   0.0004/0.0006/0.001 watts/MB8 0.0002/0.0004/0.0008 watts/MB 0.0004 W/MB
0.0005 W/MB
0.0009 W/MB/(0.0004 W/MB
0.0007 W/MB
0.0013 W/M)
.0007 Watts/MB7 0.0004/0.0006/0.001 watts/MB8 0.00013, 0.00021,0.00016, 0.00026, 0.00037, 0.00074 W/MB/?/0.00048, 0.00096 W/MB
厚度Height (mm) 41 mm 25.4 mm 41.48 mm 41.5/25.7 mm 25.4 mm 25.4 mm 41.0 mm 41.5/25.7 mm 25.4 (+-0.4) mm
宽度Width (mm) 101.85 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.85 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 (+-0.4) mm
长度Depth (mm) 147.0 mm 146.0 mm 146.75 mm 146.8 mm 146.0 mm 146.0 mm 147.0 mm 146.8 mm 146.0 (+-0.6) mm
重量Weight (max g) 930g 630g 1030g 1.14/0.71/0.70 kg 670 g 690 g 930 g 1.14/0.71/0.70 kg 800 g
环境湿度Ambient tempera(运行/保管)ture 5° to 55° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 55° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 50° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 50° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 55° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 50° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 50° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 50° C/-40° to 65° C 5 to 55 C/-40 to 65 C
Relative humidity (noncondensing) 8% to 90%/5% to 95% 8% to 90%/5% to 95% 5% to 90%/5% to 95% 5% to 90%/5% to 95% 8% to 90%/5% to 95% 8% to 90%/5% to 95% 5% to 90%/5% to 95% 5% to 90%/5% to 95% 8% to 90%/5% to 95%
Maximum wet bulb (noncondensing)     29.4° C/35.0° C 29.4° C/35.0° C 29.4° C/35.0° C 29.4° C/35.0° C   29.4 C/35.0 C
打击Shock (half sine wave) 10 G (11 ms)/45G/(2ms)/(75 G (11 ms), 175G (2 ms)/(75 G (11 ms), 175G (2 ms)) 10 G (11 ms)/45G/(2ms)/(75 G (11 ms), 175G (2 ms)/(75 G (11 ms), 175G (2 ms)) 140g 10 G (11 ms)/45G/(2ms)/(75 G (11 ms) /(10 G (11 ms)/45G/(2ms)/(75 G (11 ms) )/ 225 G (2 ms)) 10 G (11 ms)/45G/(2ms)/(75 G (11 ms) / 225 G (2 ms)) 10 G (11 ms)/45G/(2ms)/(75 G (11 ms) / 225 G (2 ms)) 10 G (2, 11 ms)/140 G (2 ms) 10/20/20 G (2, 11 ms)/175 G (2 ms) 10 G (11 ms) / 45 G (2 ms)/75 G (11 ms) / 225 G (2 ms)
(random [RMS])
0.67 G (5 to 500 Hz)
0.56 G (5 to 500 Hz)/(1.04 G (2 to 200 Hz))/(1.04 G (2 to 200 Hz))
0.67 G (5 to 500 Hz)
0.56 G (5 to 500 Hz)/(1.04 G (2 to 200 Hz))/(1.04 G (2 to 200 Hz))
  1.5G/1.5G/2.3G 0.67 G (horiz.) / 0.56 G (vert.)/1.04 G 0.67 G (horiz.) / 0.56 G (vert.)/1.04 G 2.0 G 1.5 G/2.3 G 0.67 G (horiz.)/0.56 G (vert.)/1.04 G
声学(空闲)Acoustics (idle) Bels     空闲 50 dBA/操作55DB         4.5/4.5/4.5/4.5 Bel/(3.7/3.4/3.4/3.4 Bel)
  DNES 318350/ 309170/(DNES 318350/ 309170)/(DNEF 318350/ 309170)           Industry standard, all orientations IC35L009UWD210,
Startup current (max)               2.90/1.76/1.76 amps  
Mounting             Industry standard, all orientations Industry standard, all orientations  
Encoding method RLL (16/17) RLL (16/17)   RLL (16/17)     RLL (16/17) RLL (16/17)  
Head type  Magnetoresistive Extended (MRX) Giant magnetoresistive (GMR)   Giant magnetoresistive (GMR)     Magnetoresistive extended (MRX) Giant magnetoresistive (GMR)  
Latency (average)             4.17 ms 3.0 ms  
S.M.A.R.T./ PFA/ temperature sensor   YES   YES     Yes Yes  
Load/unload cycles               50,000 cycles  
Dedicated landing              Yes  


Product Specs XP XP XP ES 2ES 2XP 9ES 9LZX 9ZX 9LP

DFMS-S1x, S2x, S3x, S4x and S5x


DFHC-C4x DFHS-34320(S4x)/32160(S2x)/31080(S1x) DCAS-32160 DCAS-32160/34330* DCHS-34550/39100* DDRS-34560/39130 DRVS-09V/DRVS-09D/DRVL-09L DGvS-39110 DGHS-39110
容量Capacity(GB) 1.32/2.32/2.65/4.32/5.31GB 4.51GB 4.51/2.25/1.12 GB 2.16 GB 2.16/4.33 GB 4.55/9.11 GB 4.56/9.13 GB 9 GB   9.11 GB   9.17 GB
接口Interface  SCSI-2 or SCSI-3 or SCA


SSA SCSI-2 or SCSI-3 SCSI-2/SCSI-3 SCSI-2 or SCSI-3 SCSI-2 or SCSI-3 (SE/LVD) or SCA-2 (SE/LVD)/SCA-2/FC-AL SCSI -3 Fast, Fast/Wide,
Sector size (bytes) 256-744 56-5952 256-744 512 512 512-740 512 512-732 512-732 512
Recording zone                 11 11
User cylinders (physical)                    
记录面数Data heads (physical) 4/7/8/13/16 16 16/8/4 5 3/6 9/18 5/10 10 12 5
磁盘数Data disks 2/4/4/7/8 8 8/4/2 3 2/3 5/9 3/5 5 6 3
最大记录面密度Max. areal density (MB/平方英寸Mbits/sq. inch) 501.8-578.1 543.9 543.9 731       3534 Mbits/sq. in. 1.136 Gbits/sq. in. 3.03 Gbits/sq. in.
最大记录密度Max. recording density (BPI) 132.8K BPI 124.9K BPI 124.9K BPI 103.6K BPI 134.6K BPI 135K BPI 156K BPI 146 - 219.1K BPI 151 KBPI 150 KBPI
轨迹密度Track density (TPI) 4352 TPI 4352 TPI 4352 TPI 7056 TPI 8600 TPI 6160 TPI 10,000 TPI 13,595 TPI 7528 TPI 8356 TPI
缓存Data buffer ²(KB) ? ? 512 ? ? ? 6*64K或3*128K 1MB 1MB 1MB
转速Rotational speed (RPM) 5400 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 10020 RPM 10000 RPM 7200 RPM
Latency (average ms)                    
内部最大传输速度Media transfer rate
(max Mbits/sec)
外部最大传输速度Interface transfer rate (max MB/sec) 20 M  20 M  20 M or 40 M 20 M/40 M 20 M/40 M 20 M/40 M 40 M/80 M 40 M/80 M/160 M  40 M  40 M/160 M/160 M
持续传输速度Sustained data rate (MB/sec)             8.4 to 13.3 MB/sec 15.2 to 29.5 MB/sec  10.5 - 17.0 MB/sec  
Media data rate (banded)










23.3 to 44.3 MB/sec


 16.1 - 25.6 MB/sec  
平均寻道时间   Average (ms) 7.8-8.4 ms 8.0 ms 8.4/7.8/7.8 ms 8.5 ms 8.5 ms 7.5/8.5 ms 7.5 ms 5.6 ms  6.5  
磁道到磁道   Track-to-track (ms) 0.6 0.5   3.0            
   Full-track (ms) 16.5 16.5   15.0            
错误比率(可回收/不可)Error rate (recoverable/nonrecoverable)             < 10 in 10E13 bits read/<10 in 10E15 bits read < 10 in 10E13 bits read/<10 in 10E15 bits read <10 in 10E13 bits read/<10 in 10E5 bits read <10 in 10E13 bits read/<10 in 10E5 bits read
Contact start stop
(at 40° C)
                  50,000 cycles
需求Requirement       +5 VDC +/-5% *2 +5 VDC (+-5%),
+12 VDC (+-5%)
+5 VDC (+-5%),
+12 VDC (+-5%)
+5 VDC (+-5%),
+12 VDC (+-5%)
+5 VDC (+-5%),
+12 VDC (+-5%)
+5 VDC ?5% *2 +5 VDC (+-5%),
+12 VDC (+-5%)
备用Standby                   12.7/9.0/8.5 watts6
空闲   Idle (W)  6.7/7.8/7.8/9.2/9.6 Watts


1.26 Amps 15.5/10.8/8.2 Watts 3.9 1.068 Amps / 1.085 Amps 1.068 Amps / 1.085 Amps       6.9/5.3 Watts/(6.9/5.3 Watts/(9.9/8.3 Watts))
运行最大功率   Startup current
   (max peak)
 9.4/10.6/10.6/11.9/12.4 Watts


1.26 Amps 18.3/13.5/11  5.7            
能力消费功率Power consumption efficiency (watts/MB)                    .0009 / .0007 Watts / MB6
厚度Height (mm) 25.4 or 41.3 mm 25.4 mm 25.4 mm 25.4 mm 25.4 mm 25.4/41.3 mm 25.4 mm 25.7 mm 42 mm 26 mm
宽度Width (mm) 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.6 mm 101.85 mm 101.85 mm
长度Depth (mm) 146.0 mm 146.0 mm 146.0 mm 146.0 mm 146.0 mm 146.0 mm 146.0 mm 146.75 mm 147.0 mm 147.0 mm
重量Weight (max g) 0.5 or 0.8 kg 460g 460g(S4 820g) 610g 610g 460/820g 630g 660g 870g 570g
环境湿度Ambient tempera(运行/保管)ture 5° to 55° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 55° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 55° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 55° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 50° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 50° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 50° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 50° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 55° C/-40° to 65° C 5° to 55° C/-40° to 65° C
Relative humidity (noncondensing) 8% to 90% 8% to 90% 8% to 90% 8% to 90% 5% to 90%/5% to 95% 5% to 90%/5% to 95% 5% to 90%/5% to 95% 5% to 90%/5% to 95% 8% to 90%/5% to 95% 8% to 90%/5% to 95%
Maximum wet bulb (noncondensing) 29.4° C/35.0° C 29.4° C/35.0° C 29.4° C/35.0° C 29.4° C/35.0° C 29.4° C/35.0° C 29.4° C/35.0° C 29.4° C/35.0° C 29.4° C/35.0° C    
打击Shock (half sine wave) 10 G( 2 msec) 10 G( 2 msec) 10 G( 11 msec) 75 G( 11 msec) 10 G( 11 msec) 10 G( 11 msec) 75g/175g 150g/140g   10 G (11 ms)/45G/(2ms)/(75 G (11 ms), 175G (2 ms)/(75 G (11 ms), 175G (2 ms))
(random [RMS])
1.0G 1.04G 1.04G 1.04G           0.67 G (5 to 500 Hz)
0.56 G (5 to 500 Hz)/(1.04 G (2 to 200 Hz))/(1.04 G (2 to 200 Hz))
声学(空闲)Acoustics (idle) Bels             空闲 38 dBA/操作42DB 空闲 44 dBA/操作52DB    
Startup current (max)                    
Channel                 PRML PRML
Encoding method                 RLL (16/17) RLL (16/17)
Head type                  Magnetoresistive Extended (MRX)  Magnetoresistive Extended (MRX)
Latency (average)                    
S.M.A.R.T./ PFA/ temperature sensor                    
Load/unload cycles                    
Dedicated landing                     


