WinFast Titanium 200 TDH 128MB

WinFast Titanium 200 TDH 128MB 採用了目前nVIDIA的繪圖晶片GeForce3 Ti 200 GPU,128MB DDR高速記憶體,搭配麗臺全覆式特殊銀質的散熱風扇與獨家開發的WinFox全新的驅動程式更擁有絕佳的穩定性與超頻性,在電視輸出的解析度上更高達1024*768,並擁有8組Filter也將使畫質更清晰,完整的VGA、TV-Out及DVI- I輸出界面更可滿足各種顯示設備上的需求。



麗臺WinFast Titanium 200 TDH 128MB WinFast Titanium 200 TDH 128MB採用了目前nVIDIA的繪圖晶片GeForce3 Ti 200 GPU,晶片時脈及128 MB DDR記憶體時脈可達到175/400Mhz,搭配麗臺全覆式特殊銀質的散熱風扇與獨家開發的WinFox全新的驅動程式更擁有絕佳的穩定性與超頻性,在電視輸出的解析度上更高達1024*768,並擁有8組Filter也將使畫質更清晰,完整的VGA、TV-Out及DVI-I輸出界面更可滿足各種顯示設備上的需求。麗臺也即將以更先進的線路設計及更具麗臺特色的Hardware Monitor硬體監控,提供給使用者更完整的功能,透過Hardware Monitor硬體監控功能,使用者將可由顯示卡上或安裝於系統內的WinFox監控軟體中,清楚掌握顯示卡的完整狀態與資訊。 更強悍的WinFast Titanium 200 TDH 128MB所採用的nFinite-FX Engine及Lightspeed Memory Architeture更是大幅提昇效能而畫質依然不減,搭配著最新版本的驅動程式將可支援微軟最新的3D應用程式界面DirectX 8.1,整體的3D運算速度達到700 Million Operations/sec,且能進行每秒28億次取樣的FSAA操作、960億次浮點運算、每秒產生4000萬多邊形以上。而這些性能數據是加入了以下DirectX 8的運算包括了DirectX 8的Vertex Shaders(頂點光影)、Pixel Shaders(圖元光影)、Volume Textures(體積材質)、Cube Environment Mapping(立方體環境映射)、Projective Textures(投影式材質)、硬體光滑表面拆分技術(包括矩形以及三角形方式的面片)、硬體凹凸映射貼圖方式的浮雕、向量圖元以及環境映射等等高複雜度的運算。 麗臺目前鈦系列產品皆可支援DVI數位螢幕輸出埠,透過DVI連接埠的輸出效果,將使得顯示卡強大的3D運算效果更細緻、更清晰的呈現於使用者眼前,麗臺用心的產品設計理念,將可更符合未來化主流產品的應用。 現在WinFast Titanium 200 TDH 128MB更獨家附贈麗臺十五週年精裝典藏套餐,提供玩家最愛的能支援Direct X8、T&L 3D的遊戲GUNLOK與DRONEZ完整版、WinFastDVD播放軟體、Colorific、3Deep、True Internet Color、Cult3D等…市值超過NT$4900元的超值軟體,麗臺以在顯示卡領域十五年的經驗與領先的技術能力,不斷創造高效能、高品質、多功能的顯示卡,再度率先將顯示卡的境界帶入另一個新的里程埤。

Operating systems support

‧Windows 98/98SE

‧Windows ME

‧Windows NT

‧Windows 2000

‧Windows XP


Nvidia GeForce3 Ti 200 nfiniteFX (TM) GPU.

On Board 128MB DDR Memory

6 layers PCB design

Lightspeed Memory Architecture


AGP 4X/2X supports

Programmable Vertex Shader

Shadow Buffer Technology support

Microsoft DirectX 8.1 and OpenGL 1.3 Optimizations and support

High-Performance Hardware Anti-Aliasing

on-board DVI support

On-board TV-out support up to 1024x768 resolution

DVD software included

Drivers Support for Win 9X, Win ME, Win2K and Win XP

Leadtek WinFox system utility with Hardware Monitoring functions and self-diagnostic LEDs indicators

2 Full Game Bundled (DroneZ and Gunlok)


128MB 4ns Memory onboard

Support RCA & S-video TV-out

Special Designed Active Cooling Module

Hardware Sensor to monitor temperature, voltage and speed of the chip, cooling module and board

3 LEDs are embedded onboard to help users identify the hardware status

2 Full Games Bundled (DroneZ and Gunlok)




2 Full Game Bundled (DroneZ and Gunlok)

S-video to RCA Cable, RCA cable, S-video cable

WinFox, WinFastDVD, Speed Runner, Cult3D, Colorific



Resolution Colors Vertical Refresh Rate

640x480 8/16/32 bits 60Hz to 240Hz

800x600 8/16/32 bits 60Hz to 240Hz

1024x768 8/16 bits 60Hz to 240Hz

1024x768 32 bits 60Hz to 200Hz

1152x864 8/16 bits 60Hz to 200Hz

1152x864 32 bits 60Hz to 170Hz

1280x960 8/16 bits 60Hz to 170Hz

1280x960 32 bits 60Hz to 150Hz

1280x1024 8/16 bits 60Hz to 170Hz

1280x1024 32 bits 60Hz to 150Hz

1600x900 8/16 bits 60Hz to 150Hz

1600x900 32 bits 60Hz to 120Hz

1600x1200 8/16 bits 60Hz to 120Hz

1600x1200 32 bits 60Hz to 100Hz

1920x1080 8/16 bits 60Hz to 100Hz

1920x1080 32 bits 60Hz to 85Hz

1920x1200 8/16 bits 60Hz to 100Hz

1920x1200 32 bits 60Hz to 85Hz

1920x1440 8/16 bits 60Hz to 85Hz

1920x1440 32 bits 60Hz to 75Hz

2048x1536 8/16 bits 60Hz to 75Hz

2048x1536 32 bits 60Hz

User's Manual:


General Guide

Please update to Acrobat Reader 5.0 or above.


Nvidia GeForce3 Ti 200 GPU

Graphics Core 256 bit

Memory Interface 128 bit DDR

Memory Bandwidth 6.4 GB/sec

Fill rate (AA Samples/sec) 2.8 GB/sec

Fill rate (pixels/sec) 700 million

Fill rate (texels/sec.) 1400 million

Operation/sec 700 billion

Triangles/sec. 29 million

Effective Memory Clock Rate 400 MHz



Hardware Features

Nvidia nfiniteFX (TM) Engine

Shadow Buffer Technology

3D textures

Nvidia Lightspeed Memory

Architecture (TM)

High-resolution Antialiasing (HRAA)

Vertex and Pixel Shaders

4 dual-rendering pipelines

8 texels per clock cycle

Cube environment mapping

128MB DDR memory

Nvidia Digital Vibrance Control (TM) support

Multibuffering (double, triple, quad) for smooth animation and video playback

Hardware Monitoring

Chip Edge/Surface Temperature, Chip Voltage, Fan Speed. Clock speed, Board Voltage and System Status.


on-board heat-sink cooling fan


電視輸出 up to 1024x768 resolution


Onboard DVI connector up to 1280x1024 resolution


Win 98, ME,XP,2K,Win NT 4.0


Intel Pentium II/III/Celeron, Pentium 4

AMD Athlon/Duron

(systems with AGP Slot)

DVI-I 顯示更新頻率表

Resolution Colors

640x480 8/16/32 bits

800x600 8/16/32 bits

1024x768 8/16/32 bits

1280x1024 8/16/32 bits



