WinFast 3D L2200
is an idea for accelerating professional, polygon intensive applications
running under Windows NT, an pervasive application such as games, 3D web
browers, navigators, visualization, 3D modeling under Windows95.
WinFast 3D L2200 delivers fast SVGA, 2D Windows acceleration, video playback
features. It also provides 3D windows acceleration features such as Gouraud
shading, depth buffering, anti-aliasing, alpha blending and texture mapping. |
Features |
- 3Dlabs PERMEDIA workstation class 3D rendering acceleration
- On-board geometry engine
- Uses high speed SGRAM, default setting is 4M upgradeable to 8MB shared
with frame buffer & local buffer
- Frame Buffer supports resolution up to 1600x1200
- Local Buffer supports 16-bits Z buffer, Stencil field, fast clear,
graphics ID and texture mapping
- Support hardware texture mapping, Gouraud shading, Anti-aliasing,
Dithering, Depth cueing and Fog, scissors and stipple masking, Alpha
- PCI 2.1 compliant
- OpenGL compliant with rendering operations in hardware
- Direct 3D compliant with rendering operations in hardware
- 2D VGA compatible
- Video acceleration
Accessories |
System Requirments |
- WInFast 3D L2200 card
- One Windows NT 3.51/4.0 X86 Driver diskette
- Two Windows 95 Driver diskette
- User's Manual
- Minimum OpenGL platform for Windows NT 3.51/4.0 and 32MB RAM
- Windows NT 3.51/4.0 support for Pentium