SP5300 RIVA TNT2 M64

BUS Type: AGP 4X/2X
Memory Size: 32MB SDRAM
Driver Support:
WindowsME, Windows98, Windows95, Windows2K, WindowsNT
Card Size: 14.5cm X 9cm
Triangles/sec: 9 Million
Pixels/sec: 300 Million
Memory bandwidth: 2.9GB/sec
Max Resolution: 1920x1200 available now, 2048x1536 in the feature
Visually stunning interactive 3D
Optimized Direct3D and OpenGL acceleration
Complete DirectX5.0, 6.x and OpenGL support
2nd Generation 128-bit Twin Texel architecture
-2 texture-mapped, lit pixels-per-clock cycle
-Single-pass multi-texturing
32-bit Z/stencil Buffer
Anti-aliasing: full scene, order independent
32-bit ARGB rendering with destination alpha
Point-sampled, bilinear, and 8 tap Anisotropic filtering
Texture Blend support
- Multi-texture - Reflection maps
- Bump map - Detail textures
- Texture modulation - Environment maps
- Light maps - Procedural textures
Per-pixel perspective correct texture mapping
-fog, light, mip mapping
High performance 128-bit 2D acceleration
Hardware acceleration for Windows GDI operations
Optimized for multiple color depths including 32, 24, 16, 15, and
8-bits per pixel
True-color hardware cursor
Multi-buffering (up to quad buffering) for smooth animation and video
Fast 32-bit VGA/SVGA support
High quality video playback
30fps full screen DVD playback
DVD sub-picture alpha-blended compositing
Video acceleration for DirectShow, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and Indeo
Advanced support for DirectDraw
Back-end hardware video scaling for video conferencing and playback
Hardware color space conversion(YUV 4:2:2 and 4:2:0)
Multi-tap X and Y filtering
Per-pixel color keying
Fast 32-bit VGA/SVGA support
Robust system interface
Comprehensive AGP 4x/2x interface
Memory configurations up to 32MB of SDRAM
64/128 bits memory bandwidth
Designed to WHQL compatibility standards
Windows2000, Windows NT4.0, Windows98, and Windows95 display drivers
Complete support for DirecDraw , Direct3D, DirectShow, and ActiveX
OpenGL IDC for all operating systems listed above
Fully PC98 and PC99 compliant