SP6600 GeForce2 GTS

Chipset: GeForce2 GTS
BUS Type: AGP 4X/2X
Memory Size: 32MB DDR SDRAM
Driver Support:
WindowsME, Windows98, Windows95, Windows2K, WindowsNT
Card Size: 16.2cm X 10.4cm
RAMDAC: 350MHz - support resolution up to 2048x1536x16bpp 75Hz (32bpp
Bus Type: AGP 4X with Fast Writes
Memory Type: 32MB DDR SGRAM with 333(166x2) MHZ memory clock
NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS the world's first per-pixel shading GPU Graphics
GeForce2 GTS is the first shading GPU with the new NVIDIA Shading
Rasterizer and a High Definition Video rocessor (HDVP).
GeForce2 GTS delivers the industry's fastest Direct3D and OpenGL
acceleration and continues NVIDIA tradition of providing leadership,
single-chip, integrated VGA, 2D, 3D and high definition digital video
performance, enabling a range of applications from 3D games to HDTV, DVD,
digital content creation, internet browsing and general productivity.
2nd-Generation GPU Features
-Per-Pixel Shading -8 Texels Per Clock
-High Definition Video Processor -2nd-generation T&L Engines
-High Performance Hardware Anti-aliasing -Integrated Single-link TMDS
-256-bit Graphics Architecture -Double Data Rate (DDR) Memory
-AGP 4X with Fast Writes -Cube Environment Mapping
-32-bit color -Industry's only true 32-bit Z/Stencil
-DirectX Texture Compression -DXTC Support
-1.6 GigaTexel Fill Rate ->25 Million Triangles/sec
-5.3GB/sec Memory Bandwidth -Maximum 3D/2D resolution of 2048 x 1536 @
-350 MHz RAMDAC -Complete DirectX 7, DirectX 6 and DirectX 5 support
Memory configurations, up to 128MB DDR SDRAM/SGRAM (now
Visually stunning interactive 3D
-Optimized DirectX and OpenGL acceleration -256-bit graphics engine
-8 texture-mapped, filtered, lit texels per clock cycle -Single pass
-HW Anti-aliasing -32-bit Colors, Z/stencil buffer
-High Quality Texture Filtering, including Anisotropic -Advanced
per-pixel, perspective-correct texturing and shading
-Per-pixel dot product 3 bump mapping -Per-pixel lighting and shading
-Cube environment mapping -Projective textures
-Multi-texture and multi-pass -BRDF Support: Bi-Directional Reflectance
Distrubtion Functions
-Texture modulation -Light maps
-Reflection maps -Procedural textures
-DX6 texture compression -Fog and Depth Cueing
-Radial or linear -Per-vertex or per-pixel
High performance 256-bit 2D Acceleration
Optimized for multiple color depths including 32, 24, 16, 15, and
8-bits per pixel
True-color hardware cursor
Multi-buffering (double, triple, quad buffering) for smooth animation
and video playback
High-Quality HDTV/DVD Playback
Independent hardware color controls for video overlay Hardware color
space conversion (YUV 4:2:2 and 4:2:0)
5-tap horizontal by 3-tap vertical filtering 8:1 upscaling and
Per-pixel color keying DVD sub-picture alpha blended compositing
High Definition Video Processor (HDVP) for full-screen, full-frame
video playback of all HDTV and DVD and resolutions
Multiple video windows with hardware color space conversion and
Video acceleration for DirectShow, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and Indeo
Comprehensive System Interface
AGP 4X support, including Fast Writes and Execute Mode
AGP 1X, 2X, and VAGP support NTSC or PAL TV output (optional)
DVI digital output connector, support TMDS Panellink resolution up to
SXGA/UXGA (optional)
Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 display drivers
Windows 98 and Windows 95 display drivers, DirectDraw, Direct3D,
DirectVideo, ActiveX
OpenGL ICD for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT, and