SP3800 3Dfx Voodoo Banshee

Chipset: 3Dfx Voodoo Banshee
BUS Type: AGP 1X
Memory Size: 16MB SGRAM
Driver Support:
Windows98, Windows95, WindowsNT
Card Size: 16.8cmX10.1cm
Fully integrated 128-bit VGA/2D/3D/Video Accelerator
Ultimate 3D experience with 100 Mpixels/sec and 4 Million triangles/sec
No-compromise 3D image quality at frame rates
Optimized for software DVD acceleration (Optional)
Full VMI interface (including a host port) for optional:
Full hardware DVD decoding, Video capturing, TV tuner support
High-resolution 1600x1200 85Hz with a 230MHz RAMDAC
PC97 and PC98 rev 1.0 compliant
VESA DDC2B support
2D Acceleration
Full featured 128-bit BitBlt Engine & Windows GUI Acceleration
Source and Destination Chroma-keying for DirectDraw
3D Acceleration
Full hardware setup of triangle parameters
16-bit integer and floating-point Z-buffering with biasing
Transparency and chroma-key with dedicated color mask
Alpha blending on source and destination pixels
Sub-pixel and sub-texel correction to 0.4x0.4 resolution
24-bit color dithering to native 16-bit RGB
Per-pixel atmospheric fog with programmable fog zones
Polygon edge anti-aliasing
Perspective correct (true divide-per-pixel) 3D texture mapping
True per-pixel, LOD MIP mapping with biasing and clamping
High performance bilinear and trilinear filtering
RGB modulation/addition/blending combines textures and shaded pixels
Texture compositing for multi-texture special effects
Support for 14 texture map formats
8-bit paletted textures with full bilinear filtering
Texture compression through narrow-channel YAB format
Video Acceleration
Multiple video window support
Bilinear horizontal and vertical filtering
YUV 4:2:2, and YUV 4:2:0 planar support
Host Interface
High performance AGP interface including optimized support for sideband
addressing and pipelining
FIFO optimized for high speed bursting of geometry and texture data
Optimized for Pentium II IO architecture
Memory System
Advanced architecture with 1.6 GB/sec memory bandwidth
Support 8/16 MB SGRAM Frame buffer
Software support
Windows95/98 & NT4.0