Sample of computer hardware board and card(2)Board type



    Sample of computer hardware board and card(1)versions definition uses the 1997 Intel i740 chip graphics card as a standard to versions definition the sample board and card in the computer hardware. This article uses the ACTIONMEDIA II sample card of the INTEL i750 chip in the early 90s to verify the correctness of the classification. The following shows the board type of the ACTIONMEDIA II graphics card based on the i750PB/DB chip in the INTEL development sequence.


    1. Chip evaluation board

     1.1 Early version

    ACTIONMEDIA II's Chip Evaluation board development code is INTEGRATOR, there are 2 versions, ISA interface and MCA interface version.

    The ISA interface version has a larger form factor and can be configured with an FPGA chip holder for a removable chip. Unfortunately, the chip was confiscated by INTEL.


    INTEGRATOR is a modified version of the chipset architecture of the previous generation ACTIONMEDIA 750 DVI, so you can also use the secondary card CS1AT of the previous generation ACTIONMEDIA 750.


    The MCA interface version has a small form factor, and it is difficult to place two sockets on it. It should appear later than the ISA interface version. Therefore, it is possible to directly upload the first prototype chip, or a chip that can basically work after being tested by the ISA version. Considering that the chip date is very early, it is 9014/9017. Although the PCB board date is 3690 times later than the 9012 of the ISA interface version, the 3890 earlier than the mid-late stage ISA interface board can be listed as an early version. The serial number of this card on the board handle is 002.



    There is also an unusual place for this card, that is, most of the chips on the card may be blacked out due to confidentiality. Obviously it has been shown, it is estimated to pull the IBM cooperation together with the deputy card to demonstrate the feasibility of the project. The secondary card is the secondary card CS1MCA that directly uses the previous generation ACTIONMEDIA 750 DVI.



    1.2 Mid-late version

    Compared with earlier versions, Mid-late version are neat and tidy, and are relatively mature designs with strong viewing.




    From the serial numbers of the evaluation boards of different versions of the above two ISA interfaces, one is SN INT 07, one is INT S/N 0025; the MCA interface version is numbered 002, and the number of Chip Evaluation boards is very small. It’s only about ten. Time flies, and these samples will eventually survive in the world, leaving a few pieces in the hands of collectors? This is the unique charm of the sample of hardware collection!


    2. Product Evaluation board


   ACTIONMEDIA II Product Evaluation board development code is DS2, there are also two versions, DS2AT of ISA interface and DS2MCA version of MCA interface. Compared with the Chip Evaluation board, the chip used in the Product Evaluation board has changed. The two i750 chips have not changed. INTEL has specially designed three other chips, and the secondary card is simplified to the CS2 daughter card. For an introduction to the chip, please see: Sample of computer hardware board and card (3) Chip evolution


    2.1 REV 1

    The DS2AT and the daughter card CS2 MMA021 of this version of the ISA interface are also not available for collection.
Only ACTIONMEDIA II with the following MCA interface. There is a handwritten serial number DS2/008 on the back of the card. DS2 is the prototype code of ACTIONMEDIA 2. This serial number means the No. 8 card of the MCA interface DS2. This card type is slightly longer, with 3MB of VRAM memory, and the ACTIONMEDIA II of the standard MCA interface is 2MB.



    2.2 REV 2

    According to this series of Product Evaluation board conventions, it should be marked "JOINTLY DEVELOPED BY INTEL AND IBM" from REV 2 and the first version of the prototype is indicated by (n) after "JOINTLY DEVELOPED BY IBM AND INTEL". The previous REV 1 is an early version, and the commercial flavor is not strong, only labeled as INTEL. This version of the ISA interface version is REV version 2.5, there is no collection of MCA interface version.



This version of the daughter card CS2 has MMA022 for REV 2 and MMA022.5 for REV version 2.5.


CS2 MMA022

CS2 MMA022.5


    2.3 REV 3

    This version only has the ISA interface version, and the MCA interface version is not collected.




    This version of the daughter card CS2 has completed the prototype period MMA023 in this version.


CS2 MMA023


    2.4 REV 4

This REV 4 ISA interface is an early version Product Evaluation board and is a pure Prototype.




    This is a mid-late prototype card that has the features of a test board and can also be listed as a Test board. The most notable feature is the product number. If it is subdivided, it should belong to the unproductive version of the Product Test board.


   This is a mid-late version. In fact, this model is both a Prototype and a Test board close to the trial production.



    This MAC version is a mid-late prototype card that can also be included in the unreleased version of the Test board.


CS2 MMA024


   The REV 4 version of the CS2 MMA024 daughter card is already in the product version. The DS2MCA card above is equipped with an unproduced version of the CS2 MMA024 daughter card. Below This is the trial version of the CS2 MMA024.

CS2 MMA024+


        This is the Test board for the official product.

CS2 MMA024++


    3. Product Test board


    ACTIONMEDIA II was released on October 17, 1991. The official product is REV 5.

    3.1 REV 5

    In the REV 4 version, the test board of the unproductive version has been completed. In the REV version 5, only the trial production test board of the official product and the test board of the official product are available.   

    The ES run Test board of the ISA interface has a flying line. The card below was also shown on January 22, 1992.


ACTIONMEDIA II ES run Test board


    Official product Test board.


ACTIONMEDIA II Official product Test board


    Official product.


ACTIONMEDIA II Official product

    ES run Test board for MCA interface.



    Official product Test board for MCA interface.


ACTIONMEDIA II MAC Official product Test board



     CS2 daughter card Official product Test board


CS2 MMA025 Official product Test board


    Official product.






    3.2 REV 6

    This edition is based on the official version of REV 5 to make some changes.

      3.2.1 REV 6A

    The Lite version is actually a 1MB memory version, with 4 flying lines on the back of the card. Below is the Official product Test board.


ACTIONMEDIA II Official product Test board


    Official product.


ACTIONMEDIA II  Official product



    3.2.2REV 6B

    Based on the 1MB memory version, it will be reduced to a new version. This sample card is a Product evaluation board or an unproductive Official product Test board by empty welding of unneeded components in the 1MB memory card production process.


ACTIONMEDIA II Product evaluation board


    The official product is called Smart video Recorder.


Smart video Recorder



    3.2.3 REV 6C

    This version is quite special. The difference from the previous version is that two components are added under the chip. Other places have not changed. It can be seen that there is only one sample of this REV 6C version, which can be regarded as a Product Evaluation board or a Official product Test board. This version has a retail version of the picture visible on the web.


ACTIONMEDIA II Official product Test board



4. Other

The daughter card socket of this card is reverse mounted on the back.




      Through the display of these Board type, you can see the complete development process of ACTIONMEDIA II graphics card. If you want to know the development process of the chip, please see:Sample of computer hardware board and card (3) Chip evolution


Related Links:

Sample of computer hardware board and card (3) Chip evolution

Sample of computer hardware board and card (2) Board type

Sample of computer hardware board and card (1) versions definition



